TRIPLE jump world record holder Jonathan Edwards raised the Olympic flag at a ceremony at Enfield Civic Centre last week.

The former Olympic champion, whose 18.29 metre jump in 1995 is still unbeaten, hoisted the flag in Silver Street last Thursday.

The flag is a symbol of Enfield's support for the London 2012 Games and kicks off the Enfield Festival – a summer of events across the borough that the council hopes will inspire people to get involved.

Council leader Doug Taylor said: “We are delighted to welcome Jonathan to Enfield – it is a real boost.

“Throughout the borough people are committed to the Games and to the accompanying cultural festival. We have a lot of local sporting and creative talent.

“We are encouraging all sports and culture and see the flag as the inspiration for sports and creative achievement in Enfield.”

Councillors have set aside £200,000 to support events like Enfield Autumn Show, the popular New River Festival and Edmonton Carnival under the banner of the Enfield Festival.

The branding will help promote a host of events happening in the borough throughout the summer, as well as drawing people to Enfield and improving community cohesion, the council says.

For a full programme list, click here or call 0208 379 8353.