AN Enfield hospital has been praised for meeting essential standards of care when treating elderly patients.

The North Middlesex Hospital was one of ten hospitals across the UK which met all the standards of care following a round of inspections by the Care Quality Commission.

The review of the hospital, off Sterling Way, found “staff interacting with patients in a kind and caring manner” and one patient told inspectors that doctors and nurses would “bend over backwards “ to help.

The inspectors were particularly looking at whether the privacy and dignity of older patients was adequately protected while they are at the hospital, and the assessment included visits to Surgical Ward 1 and Michael Bates wards.

The report, published last week, concluded: “Patients were enabled to participate in decisions about their care and treatment and decisions made by patients were respected. Appropriate information was provided to patients and their relatives or carers.

“Overall, patients were treated with consideration and respect, independence was encouraged and their privacy was protected.”

Theresa Murphy, nursing director at the hospital, welcomed the findings of the inspection, saying: “I am delighted by these independent findings as they show that our older patients are receiving high quality care that is safe and that protects their privacy and dignity.

“We want to give the best we can to every patient we see and so will continue to monitor our clinical standards on a daily basis so we can remain confident that every person coming to the North Mid receives the same high standard of care.”

The latest batch of assessments, revealed on Thursday, are part of an ongoing England-wide review of care for elderly people.