A STUDENT accused of attacking police officers with a metal fence will have his case heard by a judge.

Alfie Meadows, 21, was charged with violent disorder following the student demonstration on December 9 last year.

The Middlesex University student, who lives in Brixton, has been accused of being part of a group that lifted up a metal fence and used it as a weapon against police.

Mr Meadows is also said to have kicked an officer and pulled on a riot shield, amounting to violent disorder.

He appeared at City of Westminster Magistrates Court this morning, along with 23 other defendants charged over last year's student protests.

The court declined to hear his case, and Mr Meadows will return on July 19 for a hearing date to be set at a crown court.

Mr Meadows and his fellow defendants were supported outside court by a gaggle of protesters backing the right for residents to demonstrate and be heard.

They held a rally on the steps of the court as the defendants arrived for this morning's hearings.