A NEW gardening television programme has been filmed in the estates of an Enfield manor house.

Staff at Capel Manor Gardens in Bullsmoor Lane are expecting a rise in visitor numbers after camera crews from celebrity gardener Alan Titchmarsh's new ITV show Love Your Garden filmed there.

The centre, which won gold at the Chelsea Flower Show last week, was used as a backdrop to the recording of the show, which started last night.

Senior Gardener Julie Phipps said: “Since they have been filming the TV programme there has been a special buzz about the place which students, staff and garden visitors have enjoyed.

“There can’t be many gardens in the UK that you can visit and have a good chance of bumping into a gardening personality – but at Capel Manor Gardens that is currently the case.

“For all of us working in the gardens this is about the biggest vote of confidence that anyone could give us.”