TWO Enfield MPs spent the day with scouts this week to promote the idea of volunteering.

Nick de Bois and Andy Love dedicated Tuesday, June 7 to backing the Scout's drive to increase the number of volunteers in the UK.

Mr de Bois, Conservative MP for Enfield North, joined up with the 4th Enfield Scout Group, being a scout leader for the day.

He helped to put up a tent among other activities, and said: “"It was a real joy to be part of the first ever visit by scouts to Parliament.

“It was a particularly pleasing to welcome scouts from Enfield, who took part in the event."

The day was held to mark Volunteers' Week, a big drive to encourage people to give up their time to help others.

Mr Love, Labour MP for Edmonton, welcomed the effort, saying: “Volunteers’ Week provides a platform for people who have thought about giving up their time to do something positive in the community to actually get on and do it.

“You as an adult benefit in so many ways from volunteering, but so too do the people or organisations you work with.”

Jenny Thorp, a teacher at Latymer All Saints Primary School in Edmonton and leader of the 4th Enfield Scout Group, was part of the Parliament visit. She said: “Volunteering has helped me bring new ideas, confidence and creativity to my teaching methods.”