Referring to John Bines letter (‘What happened to integration?’, Opinion, June 1), I would just like to say that Greek Cypriots living in the UK integrate well with all races, religions and cultures. Just because our Archbishop Gregorios wants to open a Greek Orthodox school here in north London we are now branded intolerant and not wanting to integrate. How pathetic is that?

How many other religious schools are there in the UK? Yet as soon as we say we want a Greek Orthodox school we don’t want to integrate.

Just so you know, Mr Bines, my family has married into English, Italian, Greek etc, so I don’t know what you are talking about.

There are more than four generations of Greeks now living in the UK, surely they have the right to teach their children their religion and culture.

There is a big community of British expats living in Cyprus and they only send their children to English schools and they only ever drink in bars run by Brits.

Are they not intolerant?

I think in Britain, a lot of Church of England and Catholic churches have been turned into pubs, bars and clubs were there has beeen a decline in people attending church so we as a Greek orthodox religion don’t want that to happen to our churches.

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