HOSPITAL admissions of people suffering a fall in Enfield have increased by 50 per cent, new figures have shown.

The number of people suffering falls in the borough has risen from 906 in 2006/07 to 1,367 in 2009/10, with a 53 per cent rise in incidents affecting women in the last two years alone.

Monty Meth, president of Enfield Over 50s Forum, highlighted the “alarming” figures, and called for an effort to drive down the amount of time people spending at Chase Farm and North Middlesex hospitals recuperating from falls.

He said: “Instead of pursuing plans for a massive upheaval in the health service, we could and should be saving money by cutting the length of time patients spend in our hospitals caused by falls.”

The admissions figures, which show people in their 80s are the most affected, come at the same time as Enfield residents voted Pavement and Road Repairs as the issue most in need of improvement in the borough.

Forty-four per cent of people asked thought the problems of cracked and uneven pavements and potholes should be a top priority for Enfield Council.

The authority promised in 2009 to triple the number of repairs made per year, in response to a campaign by the Over 50s Forum, and has this year boosted the repair budget by £700,000 to £2.5m.

Mr Meth said: “I was pleasantly surprised that it came out as a top priority, and delighted that the present administration is increasing expenditure, despite the backdrop of cuts at the moment.”

Councillor Chris Bond, the cabinet member in charge of the environment, said the Labour administration inherited "a significant amount of unrepaired pot holes and cracked pavements", prompting the extra investement.

He added: "Any additional income raised from parking charges will help to pay for the repair of more pot holes and pavements and our road safety programme to make the streets safer for drivers, pedestrians and children."

In response to the increase in hospital admissions, the forum is holding a special advice day for older residents to help them avoid suffering a fall.

Falls Awareness Day is happening on Monday, June 20, at Edmonton Leisure Centre, in Edmonton Green, including a series of workshops and talks between 9.30am and 3pm.

Admission is free but you need to call the forum on 0208 807 2076 to book a place.