A RESIDENTS' group will close its community centre after it failed to gain funding to keep it open.

Bowes Park Community Association opened the OneTwoEight centre in Myddleton Road last year, where volunteers run weekly drop-in sessions and residents can take music and and poetry classes.

But initial funding from Haringey Council ended in April, and despite the association becoming a charity in a bid to be eligible for grants, a lack of sponsorship will see the centre close at the end of the month.

Chairperson Dee Kushlick-Williams said: “It's such a shame because it's had a really big impact on the street and brought a lot of younger people into the association.

“OneTwoEight showed how important a community spirit is, and the people who will be hit hardest will be first-time mums and older people who used the building as a place to meet other people.

“But we really needed to get our funding in place by the end of May, and we just weren't able to do that.”

The group applied for a grant from the National Lottery but were turned down, while Haringey Council could not commit to another year due to government budget cuts.

But the association want to try and keep the network of residents working together – with events like an annual picnic held in the Myddleton Road's community garden that was held on Saturday.

More than 100 people, including Enfield Southgate MP David Burrowes, spent the afternoon being entertained by guitar players, morris dancers and a magician.