EXTRA police officers on patrol in Edmonton for the last three years will be moved elsewhere in the borough following a Met-wide review of resources.

Top cops boosted the number of officers on Safer Neighbourhood Teams in Edmonton Green and Upper Edmonton following a series of teenager murders in the first half of 2008.

The redeployed officers were moved out of other local police teams in Enfield and have stay on the east of the borough ever since.

But a review by the Met published last week has now ordered all ward-based teams should have a compliment of two PCs and three PCSOs, meaning some officers will be moved out of Edmonton.

Chief Superintendent Dave Tucker, Borough Commander for Enfield, said he will not move the officers out of Edmonton until he is sure it is right to do so.

He said: “Senior officers have been very clear that it must go back to two PCs and three PCSOs unless there is a temporary reason for removing them and reducing coverage in some other areas.

“We are continuing at the moment because there is a risk and we are seeing dangers around violence happening again.

“When we get to a stage where we feel that's not the case, I will move people back to other wards on the borough.”

Mr Tucker said he believes it is not appropriate to reduce the officers in the area just over two months after 15-year-old Negus McClean was stabbed to death in Edmonton by a gang of teenagers.

However, Mayor of London yesterday gave his backing to the review's findings, albeit allowing for the “geometry of Safer Neighbourhood Teams to be varied and flexible” when they need to be.

But the special deployment of extra officers in Edmonton to tackle crime and reassure residents will now become a temporary measure that must come to an end.

Mr Tucker said he would not say at this stage when the officers would be redeployed, and is discussing the matter with senior officers in Enfield. But he insisted: "The buck still stops with me."

Also under discussion is a cut of the number Sergeants leading Safer Neighbourhood Teams from 21 to 16.

Around 150 Sergeant posts are being axed across London to save almost £10m a year, and in Enfield police are looking at bringing some neighbouring teams under the control of one officer.

Mr Tucker said they are looking at all teams in the borough, and a decision will be made before April next year after talks with officers and the public.