ANGRY Palmers Green commuters were late for work this morning after their bus routes were changed with no prior notice.

Passengers using the 34, 184 and 232 services had got used to a diversion along Powys Lane and Wilmer Way due to ongoing roadworks on the North Circular.

The diversion, which had been in place since May last year, was seemingly removed this morning - but no information or signs were on bus stops in the area.

This left commuters like George Talbot, 43, waiting on the diverted route for a bus that would never come.

He said: "It's ridiculous - how can they just change it and not tell anyone?

"These roadworks have caused nothing but misery to people who live around here, and it's making me constantly late for work."

The two-year scheme on the North Circular is set to widen the road and ease congestion, but will continue to cause serious delays until the scheduled finish next Spring.

In a statement, Transport for London said: “The bus diversion in place while work was being carried out on the Bowes Road, Telford Road, and Wilmer Way junction has now ended. All temporary bus stops have been removed.

“While it is not normal practice to publicise routes returning to normal service, because of the scale of this diversion and the number of routes involved, it had been decided a notice would be put up.

“Unfortunately this wasn’t done in time for this morning’s commuters. We can only apologise for any inconvenience caused to passengers.

“We are now working on installing a notice advising of the changes. The junction is now open and will improve traffic flow in the area considerably.”