A BROKEN boiler that has left 140 homes without heating or hot water is “beyond repair”, according to a housing trust.

Residents on the Ladderswood Estate have complained about the situation after the boiler broke down on Friday last week, affecting four tower blocks.

Now Enfield Homes has said they cannot repair the boiler due to a massive crack in the casing, and the system must be completely replaced – with a temporary measure being installed on Monday.

In a statement, it said: “The boiler is now beyond repair and we've got contractors on site at the moment putting in a temporary boiler system.

“We've been hand-delivering leaflets and letters, as well as knocking on doors to make sure that residents are kept up-to-date about the situation.”

The housing trust, which runs homes on behalf of Enfield Council, has also arranged for free access for residents to local swimming baths for shower facilities, while it is investigating ways of providing hot water to flats.

The misery was compounded for some tenants whose homes were flooded when builders left taps on after completing essential work – though they have been moved to temporary accommodation.

But pensioner Robert Edwards, 76, said the situation was ridiculous considering he pays £23 a week for the heating.

He said: “We've got no heating or hot water and were having to carry pots and pans of water from the bathroom - we're elderly pensioners and we could trip up. It's dangerous.”

The estate is due to be largely bulldozed and regenerated with new homes, in a major flagship scheme from the council.