A GROUP for people with multiple sclerosis are celebrating their fiftieth anniversary today in Bush Hill Park today.

The Enfield branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society have been providing information and support for half a century to people in the borough diagnosed with the condition, as well as their families and carers.

The group are holding a party at the Disability Resource Centre in Park Avenue, and would like to see anyone linked to the history of the society attend.

Committee member Anne Currie said: “We are keen to extend an invitation to anyone with any link to the branch now or at any time since it was founded in 1961.

“Right now, there are 200 people in the Enfield area living with multiple sclerosis and we would be happy to see them at the party.”

For more information, contact chairwoman Barbara Dalby on 01992 622645 or email bd.enf.ms@btinternet.com