AN Enfield Brownie group is appealing for new members after numbers dropped so low it could close.

The 17th Enfield Brownie Pack has been meeting every Thursday evening at St Lukes Church Hall in Morley Hill for the last 70 years, but now there only five girls who attend regularly.

Leader Louise Freeman said that she wanted the group to reach 100 years and did not want to close it, but there was a desperate need for more youngsters to join.

She said: “We've got room for 24 children so we've dropped well under capacity.

“It's been a gradual decline and we just don't seem to be able to get any new girls in.”

The weekly sessions for girls aged between seven and ten offer craft, cooking and badge work activities and the group go on trips to theme parks and attractions.

For more information, call Ms Freeman on 07795 243 566 or click here.