A COUNCILLOR who has been seconded to Singapore for several months has said he is not stepping down.

Councillor Simon Maynard came under fire last week after it was revealed he has been sent to the Far East in his job as trainee solicitor for law firm Allen & Overy LLP.

Answering questions from the Enfield Independent, the Chase representative said: “It has been quite easy to keep up with council work by phone and email and I attended the most recent full council meeting in May.

“I will also be home in Enfield for the next full council meeting on July 6.”

Cllr Maynard, a Conservative, said he will be back from secondment in September, and added: “Unfortunately, councillors sometimes have their careers, or their family life, impinge on their council work. You just have to deal with it as best you can.”

His situation was raised after it emerged Councillor Eleftherios Savva was spending large parts of his time in Cyprus helping a family member with personal problems.

Cllr Savva resigned his seat last week, sparking a by-election in the Bush Hill Park ward next month.