A BOUNDS Green man is facing jail this afternoon for knocking down and killing a student in East Barnet.

Aryelis Angelis, 26, was at the wheel of his BMW when it mowed down Elizabeth Beach-MacGeagh on June 16 last year.

A jury at Wood Green Crown Court found Angelis, of Tewkesbury Avenue, guilty of causing death by careless driving following a trial which concluded last week.

The court heard he had ignored slow signs at the junction of Netherlands Road and Temple Avenue and hit the 20-year-old Bristol University student – known as Lizzie – outside Oakleigh Park Railway.

A shard of plastic was found at the scene linking the crash to Angelis, who handed himself in to police following public appeals.

Angelis is due to be sentenced at 2pm today, when two further charges of failing to stop after an accident and failing to report an accident are expected to be considered by the judge.