PONDERS End Police Station will be axed as part of Met budget cuts, the Borough Commander has been announced.

The station on High Street will be sold to Enfield Council as part of their regeneration plan for the area, which was given the green light by councillors two weeks ago.

Safer Neighbourhood Teams that are based in the building will be moved to centres nearer to the wards they serve – except for the Ponders End team which will be moved out of the ward.

Chief Superintendent Dave Tucker, Borough Commander for Enfield, said: “Ponders End Police Station is an older building that no longer offers adequate facilities for modern day policing.

“We need the estate in Enfield to provide modern, efficient and geographically responsive facilities offering good working conditions for staff and officers and the delivery of policing.

“To ensure we continue to deliver the best possible service in Enfield, we currently have 24/7 front-counter services available at both Edmonton and Enfield and will explore, as part of the access review, how we can provide best policing services to our customers.”

He added that there will be no reduction in service to the area, despite the teams being moved to other bases.

Enfield Council wants to completely transform the area – one of the most deprived in the borough – with a range of major building projects and initiatives, and the overall plan was agreed by members of the cabinet on Wednesday, June 15.

The proposals include a compulsory purchase of buildings between number 188 and 216 on the street – including the police station and former Beef and Barrel pub – which will then be turned into a mixed-use development, primarily for shops and other businesses.

The sale comes as extra police officers on patrol in Edmonton for the last three years are moved elsewhere as part of a Met review.