YOUNG children are taking part in a initiative at an Enfield school to boost cycling.

Staff at De Bohun Primary School in Green Road run the sessions for an hour every morning with children as young as four mastering the basics of riding a bike.

Teacher Jacqui Granger said: “What we have noticed is that once the children learn to cycle they also grow so much in confidence that their writing improves.

“It’s as if the cycling has unleashed their creativity and they show a great interest in writing.

“All the children wear safety helmets and as they learn to cycle we can build on this to tell them about road safety.”

The school has recently bought ten new bikes for children aged 10 and 11 to take part in a new cycling club.

The youngsters will take a weekly trip to nearby Trent Park to put their skills into practice.

Councillor Ayfer Orhan, cabinet member for schools, said: “By starting young, children at De Bohun school are learning a skill for life.

“I congratulate the staff for teaching this invaluable skill. It is great exercise, fun and introduces road awareness at a young age.”