THE Lib Dems have put forward their candidate to fight the upcoming by-election in Bush Hill Park.

Paul Smith has pledged to provide a “clear voice” for residents of the ward if selected next month to fill the vacant Enfield Council seat.

The computer software company employee is no stranger to elections, having stood unsuccessfully for the Enfield North Parliamentary seat in May last year and vyed for the Bush Hill Park seat in a by-election in 2009.

A resident of the borough for more than 20 years, Mr Smith said: “Residents have already told me that cars are speeding through residential streets, that the new street lights are excessively bright and their views on wheelie bins.

“I've no doubt that residents will use the election campaign to raise more issues which affect them.”

The by-election was sparked by the resignation last week of Conservative Eleftherios Savva, and if elected Mr Smith would be the sole Lib Dem on the council.

He said: “I won't be changing the world, but what I will be doing is ensuring that the residents of Bush Hill Park have a clear voice into council decisions, and are kept abreast of council matters which affect them."

Tory Lee Chamberlain and English Democrat Ben Weald have already declared their candidacies for the by-election, which will take place on Thursday, July 28.