AN ENFIELD special school has won £60,000 in a TV competition to build a sensory garden.

Durants School in Pitfield Way won the cash on ITV's People's Jubilee Millions show on Wednesday, where they were up against a pregnancy scheme in East Basildon in a public vote.

But after the staff spent weeks campaigning in local schools, council offices, pubs – and the Enfield Independent – they won enough votes to secure the money, and work will begin in September.

Headteacher Peter De Rosa said he wanted to thank all those that supported the school, and was amazed by the support they received.

He said: “It's going to mean that we can develop this old patch of barren land into a new garden for all the children.

“Children with autism need a quiet space from time to time, and this school is quite a busy place at the moment.

“This was a real community effort and everyone should be proud of themselves.”

Mr De Rosa added that he also wanted the garden to be a community space that parents of autistic children could use – regardless of whether they attended the school.

Staff hope to finish work on the new garden by December, so that it can open in time for spring next year.