THE mother of a murdered Enfield man has begged for anyone with information to come forward on the fourth anniversary of his death.

Duane Tomlin was gunned down in an ambush near to garages in Dendridge Close on this day in 2007.

The 20-year-old was heading home in a taxi when shots were fired from a white Vauxhall Combo van following the cab.

Mr Tomlin tried to flee the besieged taxi but he was shot multiple times and died at the scene.

His sister, Tiffaney Shaw, 35, today issued a renewed appeal to help capture her brother's killers.

She said: “Duane was a young guy who enjoyed living life to the fullest. He was very strong-willed and always stood his ground in whatever he believed in.

"I know that my brother's lifestyle is looked upon as being unacceptable to the outside world but when he was with his family he was a loving and caring young man with a heart of gold.

"Our lives have been torn apart since the day Duane was taken from us. Words cannot describe the emotions and hurt we feel as a family and have to live with each day.

"Every day we live in hope that we get justice for Duane.

“I believe that everybody in life has a purpose here so please, I ask anyone that has any information regarding Duane's murder to come forward.”

Mr Tomlin's mother, Gwen Forde, 52, added: "I would like closure and the time to heal. I'm emotionally scarred for life. I have to live with what happened to my son day to day.

"I would ask if anyone has any information that will lead to the capture of the persons responsible for my son's death please, I beg of you, come forward."

Four years on from the murder, no one has been caught and charged with carrying out the killing.

The cab driver survived the gun attack and was treated for shot, and the van involved was found abandoned and on fire after the shooting in nearby Lackmore Road.

Detectives investigating the case continue to appeal for help tracking down 28-year-old Robert Bernard in connection with the murder.

Mr Bernard has ties to Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and St Lucia and is believed to have left the UK on the day of the shooting, destined for Thailand.

Detective Chief Inspector John Crossley, investigating, said: "Duane's family deserve some justice and to be able to move on with their lives and see someone convicted of his murder.”

Anyone who with information can call 0208 733 4212, or 44 208 733 4212 from outside the UK. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or 44 800 555 111.

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