AN Enfield councillor has taken on the challenge of getting 1,000 young people into work in the next year.

Martin Prescott has set staff the Enfield 1,000 Challenge to encourage businesses to take on apprentices and to encourage school leavers and young people out of work to take on the opportunities out there.

The councillor for Winchmore Hill is using an arm of his Southgate-based HT Group for the project, driven by a passion for helping young people get into work.

He said: “There is a general view, if you read the Daily Mail or the Daily Mirror that there are no jobs out there – it's rubbish.

“There are lots of jobs and lots of opportunities, but we can't find the people to take the first step and pick up the phone.

“What we are creating are not dud jobs, it is the first step on the ladder, and if a candidate takes up the opportunity then they will go far.”

His staff at the Chase Road offices are speaking to local Enfield companies, encouraging them to create an apprenticeship and take on a young people who is out of work or looking for a change in direction in their career.

On of the critieria for the project is the apprenticeships must be at firms based in the borough.

Head of Operations, Dee Ellison, is spearheading the effort since joining the company earlier this year, and says she has opened up 28 apprenticeships since starting the project two weeks ago, but is struggling to find people to apply for them.

She said: “Fundamentally, we are taking 1,000 unemployed people off the streets and giving small businesses in the borough the chance to grow their own company.

“We are really trying to counter the impression that there are no jobs.”

She added they are going to schools and colleges across the borough, showing pupils where potential job opportunities can be found for those not heading to university.

The project follows on from the HT Group's work with the Future Jobs Fund, helping more than 750 long-time unemployed people back into the workplace.

If you want to find out more about the Enfield 1,000 Challenge or see if there is an apprenticeship for you, you can call 0844 888 7640 or email